The Playbook

Are you going to implement one of Myworkout's competition concepts? Then you must read through our rulebook for fair and seamless implementation.

Myworkout's vision is to fight inactivity and create sustainable employees. Through more knowledge about smart activity, each individual employee will have better conditions for staying healthy and becoming more productive. Not (just) to do a better job, but to live a better life.


Myworkout in your company comes with a "talk guarantee" and contributes to a positive culture in the workplace. Through activity competitions, it creates good conversations and better form for everyone who participates. Here it is about collecting activity points with the app Myworkout GO. Everyone can achieve this, and everyone has the opportunity to win. Not just the office super exercisers

This is how the competition is conducted

Living the word of mouth:

Competitions are more fun when owned internally. It is also best practice to share the social responsibility to a few super users or appointed team captains (if it is a team-based competition) who can create and spread the word of mouth internally.

How to collect points:

All activity gives points as long as it is logged in the app. This can be done directly in Myworkout Go (start/stop) or by connecting a heart rate monitor. We give extra points for HIT minutes as these are the minutes that are most important for your physical health.

4 points per HIT minute, 1 point per activity minute.

Questions about how you connect to a heart rate monitor, what HIT minutes are, how they are collected and much more are answered in our knowledge database.

How does the HIT calculation goes? 

<activity_min> - <hit_min> + (<hit_min> * 4)
<activity_min> + <hit_min> * 3

The first one just shows more clearly how it is calculated. I.e., take the total time, subtract the hit minutes, then add the hit minutes times 4
But it's exactly the same as taking the total time and adding hit minutes times 3


See our knowledgebase.


How to use the app:

To get the most out of the app, it needs to know you a little better. Therefore, it asks you to carry out a simple biological age assessment (it's much easier than what it sounds like 🤓). This is to calibrate the app and enable it to give you feedback on what you need to know. Once this is done, you use the app to direct your activity either directly in the app or via a heart rate monitor. If you forget both parts, you can re-register if necessary.

How to calibrate the app 👈

What can you NOT use the app for:

As a rule of thumb, the app is intended to measure your physical activity and your form of training. You should therefore not use the app on the way to the coffee machine, when shoveling snow or when walking the dog.

How do you seek assistance?

Need technical assistance or are you wondering about something? Check out our support page, if you don't find the answer there: send your question directly from the app "Send feedback"

The challenge concepts

You can choose from three simple concepts. The point system in the Myworkout GO app works the same for all of them.

All versus all Team contest Country/Division Contest Health campaign
Individuals focus on their own performance, tracking peers' scores through the app.

Work as a collective. Compete in groups and decide your activity level. Remember, you're not striving for the goal alone. 

Engage with your divisions via a digital challenge promoting increased activity.

Prioritize your health and aim to lower your biological age. In this campaign, we'll be focused on achieving better health and more life.

✅ The goal to the participant is to collect as many activity points as possible.

✅ Invite and let the self-organization begin.

✅ Duration 8 weeks

✅ Every team tries to collect as many activity points as possible.

✅ Invite and let the self-organization begin.

✅ Team size: 5-8 per team.

✅ Duration 8 weeks

✅ Start by inviting your country or division managers; they'll be the team captains.

✅ The team captains spread invite links to their teams via internal channels.

✅ Team size is open for a bigger size

✅ Duration 8 weeks

✅ Choose whether you want to participate as a team or individually

✅ Be notified when it's time for a new test to check your progress. 

✅ Receive a report on the group's overall decline in biological age

✅ Duration 11 weeks

Each week is a separate contest. The points are reset from midnight to Monday, and a new match starts.

The app is equipped with a leaderboard, an overview of participants, and points. You earn points by being active and registering the activity in Myworkout GO, either directly in the app, via a third-party app (Garmin, Fitbit, Polar, or Apple Health), or by manual registration. You will receive one point for every minute you are active and four points for the HIT minutes you collect. Stay in contact with your team in your own team chat 💬.

You get this anyway 👌

When you have chosen the concept and starting date that best suits you and your colleagues, you place your order. You will then be sent a marketing package that you can easily share with your colleagues.

Note: The competition must start on a Monday as it is based on weekly matches.

We would also recommend that you spend around 14 days before the start of the competition spreading the marketing package internally within the company.

Each participant/team registers on a registration list which we use to generate private invitations to the app and the competition.

When you and your colleagues are in place in the app, the app's notification system will ensure that everyone receives the information necessary for the app to be adapted to each individual employee.