How do I collect HIT points?

Did you know that you can get an evaluation of your forest walk, marathon and zumba class in Myworkout GO?

Did you know that you can get HIT minutes from your forest walk, marathon and zumba class in Myworkout GO?🌲🏃‍♂️💃🏻

Myworkout GO has become a real smart thing 🤓 It can now give you an evaluation of any activity you register as training! As long as you achieve a high enough intensity in what you are doing, you will be rewarded with HIT minutes/points in the same way as when training 4x4. How then, you might think? Yes, here you will get a list that explains how and the little things you need to do to get started 👇

1. Where do I find the activity tracker to start collecting HIT?

You can find the activity meter in the second icon at the bottom of the app or by pressing "Train now" on the home page. Then choose whether you are going to eat outside or inside. Then select "track an activity". The next time you train, you must first select "change training" ♻ to start the process again, unless you want to track the same type of activity.

2. What is needed for it to function optimally?

The activity meter needs to know what your work capacity is. Therefore, it must be calibrated with an outdoor 4x4 where you measure your VO2-max and get a biological age stated. It will always use your last 4x4 session to give you an evaluation of any other activity you do such as walking or running.

3. Does the activity meter apply to all activities?

If you want an evaluation of indoor training such as zumba etc., swimming, skiing or cycling, we would like to have your heart rate to be able to evaluate correctly. (Read more about training based on heart rate below 👇).

4. Do I need any additional equipment?

You don't have to, but many people would like to use the fitness watch they have invested in. Of course, you should be able to do that too. Just remember that you must have connected your garmin, fitbit or polar account to the app to have your sessions evaluated. If you want an evaluation of indoor training such as zumba etc., swimming, skiing or cycling, we would like to have your heart rate to be able to evaluate correctly. Then you need a heart rate belt that you connect to the app.


‼️ STOP FOR A MOMENT‼️👇 Here's the important info you definitely don't want to miss 👇

- Can I train based on maximum heart rate? 💓

Yes you can. But then you need to know what your maximum heart rate is. Before you enter your maximum heart rate in the app, this is good to know:

- Maximum heart rate from a formula or calculator is not to be trusted.

Why? Yes, because this gives an average based on the population and not on your body. It will be a bit like saying that everyone aged 34 wears size. 37 in shoes. We know that is not true.

- How do I know what my maximum heart rate is?

You can use the app to measure your maximum heart rate 👈

- Can I use a wrist heart rate monitor to measure maximum heart rate?

No, you should wear a heart rate belt to measure your maximum heart rate. You can connect this to both your watch and the app. All heart rate belts that use bluetooth can be used against the app.

5. Do I have to take my phone with me when I train?

No, as long as you have taken it with you on an outdoor 4x4 and have linked your garmin, fitbit or polar account to the app, all activity you log on the watch will be fed into the app when you get back home. For indoor activity, we need your heart rate. Be sure to measure your maximum heart rate in the app, or if you already know it, add it to your profile in the app.

6. Why does the app say that I train much harder than I myself experience?

Congratulations, you've gotten in much better shape than you were when you first registered an outdoor 4x4! This is not something to be afraid of, it should rather be celebrated The perfect celebration is to recalibrate the app with a new outdoor 4x4.

7. Why does the app say that I am not training as hard as I myself experience?

On a walk in the woods and fields with a heavy pack on your back? In this case, unfortunately, you will not get the correct payout in the app. It cannot "pick up" the extra weight you are carrying or that you are walking on rough terrain. But as long as you are good and out of breath, your heart has learned that you have made a brilliant effort ❤️

How to connect a heart rate monitor

Measure your maximum heart rate

You must have a heart rate monitor for this