What is VO2max?

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) is a measure of how much oxygen the body is able to absorb and utilize within one minute and is linked to the heart's pumping capacity.

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) is a measure of how much oxygen the body is able to absorb and utilize within one minute and is linked to the heart's pumping capacity. Our maximum oxygen uptake is directly related to our heart and blood vessels.

A larger, stronger and more elastic heart and vascular system means improved endurance and work capacity. The purpose of endurance training is to increase maximum oxygen uptake and thereby increase the size and elasticity of the heart and blood vessels.

An increased maximum oxygen uptake means you can perform better

By increasing your maximum oxygen intake, you get better endurance and higher work capacity. This means that you will use less energy on everything you do and you will be able to perform better in sports.

Your maximum oxygen uptake is essential for your health

Maximum oxygen uptake is not only crucial for how much you can perform in sports, it is also crucial for your health. A higher maximum oxygen uptake means, among other things, a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and lifestyle diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, reduced circulation and age-related diabetes. Endurance training that works is the most effective way to prevent this type of disease.